Friday, April 23, 2010

Begin at the um, uh...starting line?

It's mid-afternoon on Friday and the weather outside is gorgeous. There is a slight breeze causing the leaves on the trees in the backyard to dance a little. The sky is clear and it's just warm enough to wear shorts without drowning in sweat. So why am I inside typing this mess? I sprained my ankle last week; due to car problems, I invested in a bicycle a day later and have been pushing myself to ride my bike 8.1 miles to school. My ankle has not been very forgiving. So, a little ibuprofen and blogging to ease the mind and body.
I have read a few different articles and blogs about optimism, pessimism, and inspiration lately. They really make me wonder exactly how optimistic I am. I felt a bit unmotivated even after completing 3 online quizzes this morning and I stumbled onto an article that made quite a lot of sense...I recommend you peruse it
I am a little worn out, because I have not ridden a bicycle for any great distance since I was 13. However, I am determined to make this body of mine cooperate with being healthy. I rode 10 miles last Sunday, 16.2 miles on Monday, and 16.2 miles on Thursday. At this rate, I could ride to Macon in a WEEK!
On a personal note, I begin graduate school in the fall. I know that the coursework will be 150% more difficult than any of my undergraduate work, but I realize that the rewards will be incalculable. Intimidated? A bit. Scared? A bit. Determined? HELL YEAH!This degree program reflects my passion to teach and my hopes to do so at the college level. If nothing else, it will take the talents I have and hone them into a professional capability.
Summer is just around the corner, and I am not looking forward to riding in the Georgia sun. Then again, heat means I will be forced to purge a lot of water from my system on a daily basis, which could be very cleansing.

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